When I get up and ready for work in the mornings I’m in my zone. With Doughboy working in Pittsburgh, I’m alone during the work week. I have my routine beginning at 5:30 a.m. and am faithful to the clock. After feeding the pups and watching the morning news, I am in the shower by 6:15. Makeup, hair, and clothes are done by 7:00 and I am out the door by 7:20-7:30. Not much varies Monday through Friday. Therefore, this morning was “off” by the ringing of the phone. My immediate reaction was to suspect the worse. Is my 8-month pregnant daughter okay? Has something happened to the boys? Doughboy? I answered the phone with a timid “hello” as I braced myself for bad news.
Jamie: Mom? Ayden has something to ask you.
(there is a shuffling sound in the background as she hands the phone to my four year old grandson)
Ayden: Mimi?
Me: Yes, Ayden. What’s wrong?
Ayden: Mimi? Can I have a sleepover with you and Bumpa Saturday?
(I am much relieved at this point and would have agreed to anything)
Me: Of course you can sleepover, baby. Would you like to see a movie? Madagascar is playing.
Ayden: No, I already saw Madagascar. We have that moodie.
Me: No this is a new Madagascar moodie...er, movie. Just like you have a million Scoobie Doo movies, this is a different Madagascar movie.
Ayden: Great! I’ll see you after school, Mimi! (pause) Oh…I love you! Bye Mimi.
I absolutely ADORE that little boy! True, I am a pushover when it comes to Ayden. I love his little brother, Jameson, and will no doubt be wrapped around Ava’s finger someday soon. But the bond I have with Ayden is special. I can’t explain why.
I remember sleeping over at my Grandmother’s house when I was a little girl and still had the same thrill spending time with her when I grew into adulthood. I miss her incredibly and my heart breaks a little during this time of year as I remember losing her on Christmas Eve. As long as I am breathing, I vow to give our grandchildren wonderful memories to recall when I am gone. This isn’t a morbid thought really. I don’t plan to go any where soon. I just want to love and spoil them as much as I can while I'm around. That’s not so bad, is it?
If I’m not too busy, I’ll take photos of Ayden’s sleepover to share in a weekend post. We’re sure to have lots of fun and cuddles!
Visitor at my feeders
6 years ago
Oh, this is such a sweet story, one that brings a cheerful tear to my eyes.
I wonder if the first grandchild is special because for nothing less, it is the first one? My little guy already has his grama wrapped around his little finger, playing coy and smiling sweetly last Tuesday as we all sat at the table. He stole my heart the moment he was born! Ahhh...there is nothing like it!
Fred wants to take Jack to see Madagascar on Tuesday...I told Grampa to simmer down! there will be lots of time for that.
I read this while at work and had to x out of the screen because we got busy. I wanted to tell you how sweet and touching this post is. I didn't have these sort of feelings for either of my grandmothers. Both of my grandfathers passed away while I was very young and neither of my grandmothers seemed to enjoy their grandchildren very much.
I get a little misty eyed when I read this. Maybe it's just allergies. Or something about 3 dogs, 2 adults, and one sugared up adrenalin pumped 4 year old in bed Saturday night. Life is good.....
Ayden is such a sweet and special little boy. Even though his little brother is often mean to him, Ayden still takes such good care of him. Special sleepovers with Mimi and Bumpa are well deserved and much appreciated. He deserves some one on one time where he's not sharing the attention with his brother and soon to be baby sister. Jason and I appreciate that you love all of our children so much and know that there's nothing you would do for them. Even though I miss Ayden when he's gone, I know he's in terrific hands!
Debra, you are so right about the love of a first grandchild. I was the first and I loved my Granny and Grandaddy more than life itself. I have a life time of memories to cherish every day. It is not strange. My grandfather used to tell me "I was the apple of his eye". I would ask him, "What? How can you have an apple in your eye?" Just love them as much and as long as you can.
AWEEEEE that's so cute. I can't wait for Grandbabies and sleep overs.
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