Sunday, March 2, 2008

Birthday Girl

Jamie's birthday happened to fall on the day of our Scrap Club. We're grateful that she gave up her special day to hang out with the Golden Girls. What a trooper! She even made lunch for us -- homemade lasagna. Yum! Pam, our resident baker, made delicious petifors and beautiful birthday cake. We always have a good time together. Scrap Club meets the first Sunday of every month. The next time we meet we are celebrating Easter by wearing festive Easter hats and having a tea. Yeah, we girls know how to live on the edge!

1 comment:

Marlee said...

You girls always have so much fun! I know my Mom truly enjoys the time yall spend together and all of the fun things you do! Although, you must admit, you are the scrack dealer =) Maybe I can join in sometime soon!