I am fortunate to be surrounded by wonderful family and friends. Family will love me through thick and thin, but true friends are just as special as family. My small circle of friends are "forever friends" and I would go to the ends of the earth for them. One such forever friend, Chere and her hubby, just returned from a whirl-wind European cruise. One of their destinations was London where they shopped at world famous
Harrods. I've seen Harrods on the Travel Channel, but living through Chere's experience is as close as I'll get to being there. She informed me that the trademark of Harrods is a Westhighland Terrier, like our Kadybug. Being such a sweet friend, Chere bought me a gift from Harrods that I will always cherish. Even the simple brown wrapper with the Harrods logo looks elegant and understated. What touches me most is that she thought of me while enjoying her spectacular vacation. Thanks much, Chere! It's good to have you back!

Aren't friends fabulous! My friend also visited London and shopped at the infamous Harrods. My little gift was a fridge magnet of the famous Harrods' bear. Imagine how surprised I was when the real Harrods' bear was behind her back! He was wearing a knitted sweater with the British flag bolding across his chest!
Glad you returned to the land of Blog!
I think we need to add your mark to Harrod's rich patina. When would you like to go.....pick some dates and I will take you there straightaway. The Doughboy is in an adventurous frame of mind.
Since the doughboy is feeling so adventurous, he can buy the honker a ticket as well:) In highschool I had a friend go to Europe with her parents and she brought me back a Harrod's bag. It was a white plastic material with red writting. I used that bag until it fell apart!
London is awesome! Go if and when you can!!!
What a sweet friend! I'd probably frame that Harrods bag along with a photo of my friend. :)
I'm weird like that.
Maybe we can do a scrap trip to London. Doughboy is all for the scrap trips. I did think of you when I saw the little dogs. You and your little or doughboys Kady. She is such a honey. Missed my buds while I was there.
Beautiful gift, Debra. And it's good to have you back, too. I always check for a new post from you. I just can't get enough of your photography!
What a fabulous gift! Aren't friends great? Thoughtful surprises are the best!
What a darling keychain. Connie went to London and brought me back a Harrod's vinyl bag. I love it and hope it never wears out. I've actually been to Harrod's but don't have any goodies from my trip way back in 1979.
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