Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday Failure

Things that make you scratch your head and say out loud, "WTF!?"


Deb said...

ROFLMAO!!!! and spitting out my lunch...giggle...giggle

Mental P Mama said...

I know some folks who could use those.

Leslie said...

I have a friend that makes soy candles and they are better air freshners than some of the others I burn 3 all day long and my house always smells sooo good. Unless I cook cabbage. Have a great week-end.~~~~Leslie

The Weaver of Grass said...

I love it - very funny.

Country Girl said...


I can't stand seeing things spelled wrong like this. If they had just added the t. Then there wouldn't be any confusion.

Country Girl said...


I can't stand seeing things spelled wrong like this. If they had just added the t. Then there wouldn't be any confusion.