Sunday, June 8, 2008

Workin' For The Weekend

I don't know about you, but we live for the weekends. We have our typical routine (i.e. pickup Pete from ATL airport Friday evening; drop off Pete at ATL airport Sunday night) and the time in between is up for grabs. In the summer, most assuredly we will be in/around the pool if the weather is nice, which in the midst of a drought is almost every weekend. This weekend we squeezed in a movie: Indiana Jones. It was okay. No surprises. Harrison Ford is still hot. No matter what his age, he is still nice eye candy.

While Pete slept late Sunday morning, I harassed the dogs. Dianora, our old girl of almost age 10, sleeps most of the time. She claims she's only resting her eyes. She is also the sweetest and lowest maintenance of the three. Being a Scottie, she is very difficult to photograph in natural light. She is giving me her "Don't bother me, kid" look. Yet I persist.

Here's Kady the Wonderdog (just kidding about the Wonderdog thing). She's the youngest and most precocious. She typically ignores me when I call her name. You've reached a new low when you're ignored by a dog. Ah ha! I get her attention when I mention treat.

Then there's Leo, our 5 pound alpha dog and the middle child at age 7. Being so tiny, he is the most spoiled and my constant shadow. Even as I type, he is sprawled next to me.

With the kids cloistered indoors to avoid the oppressive heat, I made my way to a favorite corner to read.
Well, that's it for our weekend. Next weekend I'm meeting Pete in Pittsburgh for Kenny Chesney's Poets and Pirates concert. Woo-hoo! How do you spend your precious time off?


Pam said...

I thought of you today as I laid out on a towel in my backyard - well, really I was thinking about a pool! As I slowly melted into the ground I kept a hose in my hand to help cool me down! (Would that be a redneck swimming pool?) Talk about your hot flash!!!

Deb said...

Kenny Chesney, huh. I haven't really given him a chance just yet. Oh sure, I love the women Country singers, like Reba, Dixie Chicks, Faith, Shainia, and Carrie, but the men just haven't intrigued me. I'll admit, I own Brad Paisley's CD. Mom giggles about the song he sings, Alcohol! Have a great time at the concert and suggest a song of his that will absolutely turn me into a fanatic fan!

Jamie Payne said...

As I recall, I spent most of my time off this past weekend at your pool. I was only able to get in a couple of hours each day before the boys had to take a nap, but I still enjoyed it!

Judyann said...

Lucky girl you. My weekend is usually spent running errands for Jessica and Meghan. Shopping for groceries,doing laundry and cleaning house. Not much relaxation for me.

Deb, Kenny Chesney's song "Have another Beer in Mexico" is one of my favorites. He's like a young Jimmy Buffett.

Chere said...

It is hard for me to say anything about relaxing. Here I go again, The Queen of Relaxing. Looks like you and Pete had a perfect week-end. The babies look wonderful with there hair cuts. Dixie hates to have her picture made. She will hide. Katie loves the camera but is black and hard to photograph. Bella is always in my lap. I have to takes pictures of her on the run. Have a great time this coming week-end at the concert. We loved CSN in Seattle this past week-end. It is nice to get away for the week-end. Have Fun, Drink a Few, Clap, Yell and Laugh A Lot.