I don't always share well. This is a fault I try to control, but it isn't always easy. As you can tell from the number of posts and photos, our grandchildren are very important to me - to US. My daughter's father and step-mother are visiting from Wisconsin and I am keeping a respectiful distance. Rarely do I go longer than a couple days without seeing the kids, but 8 days is torture!
Doughboy and I have been keeping busy with last minute shopping and making preparations for Christmas. With the unseasonal warm temps in the 70's, we frequently commented about how much the boys would enjoy driving their Razr along the cart path. I had to swat that green monster from my shoulder several times over the past days. Hey - I'm only being honest here.
Amid all the hustle and bustle (and swatting the green monster), I forgot about our cruise coming up in a couple weeks. I started paying for our trip in September 2007. It seems like a million years ago instead of one. All of a sudden, it's here! That would explain why I failed at my goal of losing 50 pounds before we set sail. Anyway, here is our itinerary...
And here is the ship we will call home for a week...
Doughboy and I are accustomed to sailing, but not on a cruise ship. His opinion of cruise vacations is they are for the newly wed or nearly dead. I went on my first cruise two years ago when I treated Jamie to a week in Hawaii for her 30th birthday with friends Deb and Chere along for the fun (it's worth adding that I invited Doughboy but he declined the offer). So, when I told him that Chere and I wanted to cruise again, he didn't hesitate to accept my offer to join us. If all else fails, Doughboy and Chere's husband will find plenty of fun in the ship's casino. You can expect many photos and stories to come from our adventure on the high seas.
Visitor at my feeders
7 years ago
What an adventure you're going to have! And don't worry, the Wisconsin duo will be gone soon!
I know you are being tourtured by not seeing your grandbabies, but you are playing the roll like I would expect you to, with respect and dignity. Good Girl!
Wasn't our cruise fun? Oh, we had a grand time.
Hi Girl, call me. We need to plan some kind of adventures. We can drink, gamble, scrapbook, sleep, maybe let our husbands have a little, and drink so more. Sounds like fun. Right?
Wow! An adventure on the high seas. Can't wait to see the pictures!
Wow! An adventure on the high seas. Can't wait to see the pictures!
I'm laughing so hard at Chere's comment. Lord! It's so fun to have friends! You will have a wonderful time - I think that is the same ship we are crusing on in November 09. I can't wait to hear all about it. You are so lucky to live near your grandchildren. Soon they will be back in your daily schedule! Lucky boys!
Wish I was going along. I need a vacation. You will have a wonderful time and I can't wait to see both Debra's and Chere's pictures.
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