Yes, I am alive and well. I can't recall the last time I went this long between posts. I guess I could look back in my blog archive for an exact date, but what's the point? I'm here now. Right? *tap tap* Are you there?
As summer winds down, my life tends to get busier. My 6-week Photoshop CS3 course ended last week and Ayden's twice weekly swim lessons wrap up tomorrow, so those are two items to check off my "to do" list. I feel so overwhelmed lately and would love nothing more than a week off work to relax. However, my annual allotment of vacation is dwindling to a meager handful of days. Feeling sorry for myself on the drive home today, I let my mind wander to all the things I would do if I won the lottery. Have you played this game?
Anyway, I was half listening to the car radio when I heard about the death of Dave Freeman, the man who co-wrote the best-selling adventure travel guide 100 Things To Do Before You Die. Ironically, he died at the age of 47 from a blow to his head after falling in his home. Weird, huh? Dave Freeman had visited half the places mentioned in his book whose recommendations included a voodoo pilgrimage to Haiti and running with bulls in Pamplona, Spain. He starts his best-selling book by explaining: 'This life is a short journey. How can you make sure you fill it with the most fun and that you visit all the coolest places on earth before you pack those bags for the very last time?'
What places would you like to visit before you die? What's on your bucket list? Or have you done everything you want to do and are coasting your way through life? Ahhh... now that would be nice.
I really need to win the lottery...
Visitor at my feeders
7 years ago
Go? I would like to accompany you to the Lottery Office and then we can talk about the rest of the week.
It would be great to be able to mark everything off our bucket lists! But if we didn't have anything to plan for and look forward to, would life really be fun?....I don't know, but I'd be willing to participate in a clinical trail to find out if you know of anyone who is willing to fund an experiment.
What is wrong with me? I don't have a bucket list. Does it mean I am content? Or just a willy nilly? I don't know. I would like to see the Pacific Ocean some day. Preferrably from the Hawaiian Islands . . .
or the Gulf of Mexico . . .
maybe everything someone wants to do IS coast through's an individual thing. i would like another helicopter ride, to meet oprah (who wouldn't!), visit the UK again, eat snails in paris, it's a long list, as bucket lists probably oughta be (i just contradicted myself!) i'm feeling very relaxed right now, so that's ok :)
I have a very long to-do list that is on hold for the next 18 years. I'm very fortunate though and have a fabulous mom that makes many of my dreams come true...while my hunny stays home to watch the kids. I guess if I died today, I could at least say that I was a very lucky girl who saw and did a lot in her short life. No more talk about death in your posts...I'm 6 months pregnant and beyond emotional. I can't be sitting at my desk crying hysterically!
Oh my! How about this? I'm just glad you are blogging again. OK? I missed you and am lost without reading your blog entries. So don't be away too long!!!
See...I am ignoring the obvious and we don't want Jamie to cry again!
I play the "What if I win" game on a daily basis. Mostly, I dream of upgrading my minivan, funding college for my children and nieces and nephews, and procuring good retirements for my four sets of parents.
Bucket list? Alaska, the Sound of Music Tour in Austria, Tanzania, India, Mackinac Island, Hawaii, Mexico, Disney Cruise, a cake convention where sample are served . . .
Love the subject of this post. It's always fun to think about what you would do if you won the lottery. However, I can't ever seem to get past turning in my notice at work. But my bucket list contains trips to Egypt, hot air balloon safari, diving in the Red Sea, and visiting the Gallapagos Islands.
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